Lawn Mix

$65.00 Per Cubic meter


Lawn mix soil, also known as turf mix or lawn top dressing, is a specially formulated soil designed for use in establishing and maintaining healthy lawns. It is typically made up of a combination of sand, topsoil, and compost, and is designed to provide a balanced mix of nutrients, drainage, and water retention.


One of the primary benefits of lawn mix soil is its ability to improve the health and appearance of a lawn. It can be used to fill in low spots, level out uneven ground, and provide a rich growing medium for grass seeds or sod. It also helps to improve drainage and water retention, which can be essential for maintaining healthy grass.


Lawn mix soil is typically used in two ways: as a top dressing or as a soil amendment. As a top dressing, it is spread over the surface of an existing lawn to improve soil quality and encourage healthy grass growth. As a soil amendment, it is mixed into the existing soil before planting grass seed or laying sod.