Premium Blended Soil

$65.00 Per Cubic meter



Premium blended soil is a high-quality soil that is specifically designed to provide an optimal growing environment for a wide range of plants. It is made up of a balanced blend of topsoil, compost, sand, and other organic materials, which work together to provide essential nutrients, good drainage, and excellent water retention.


One of the primary benefits of premium blended soil is its versatility. It can be used in a variety of gardening applications, including raised beds, container gardens, flower beds, vegetable gardens, and landscaping projects. It is also an excellent choice for gardeners who want to create a healthy and productive growing environment for their plants, but don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort on soil preparation.


Premium blended soil is typically pH-balanced, which helps to ensure that plants can absorb the nutrients they need to grow. It also contains a balanced blend of organic materials, which helps to improve soil structure and promote healthy root growth. Additionally, the sand content in the soil helps to provide good drainage, while the compost and other organic materials help to retain moisture, which is essential for healthy plant growth.