Veggie/Garden Mix

$65.00 Per Cubic meter



Veggie mix or Garden mix is a specially formulated soil designed for use in vegetable gardens. It is typically made up of a combination of topsoil, compost, and other organic materials, and is designed to provide a nutrient-rich and well-draining growing medium that is ideal for growing a wide range of vegetables.


One of the primary benefits of veggie mix is its ability to provide the essential nutrients that vegetables need to grow and thrive. It contains a blend of organic materials that help to improve soil structure, retain moisture, and promote healthy root growth. Additionally, veggie mix is typically pH-balanced, which helps to ensure that plants can absorb the nutrients they need to grow.


Veggie mix can be used in a variety of vegetable gardening applications, including raised beds, container gardens, and in-ground planting. It is especially useful for gardeners who want to create a sustainable and eco-friendly growing environment for their vegetables, as it contains a blend of organic materials that help to improve soil health over time.